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Our relationships, our strength! AB GROUP is present in 38 countries around the world

"We are not concerned with convincing the institutional decision maker, but with convincing public opinion to convince the decision maker to make the right choice"

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EuReporter parla di noi:

The company is a national and international leader in the field of public relations management in Italy. In addition to communication for companies, AB Group has dealt with the management of election campaigns throughout the country both for political and referendum consultations, and as part of election monitoring missions in various countries around the world. Since 2017 Alessandro Bertoldi has been registered in the list of Interest Representatives, established at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome. What contributed to AB Group's success in the lobbying sector was the innovative approach adopted by the company itself ...

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Sede legale: Via degli Uffici del Vicario 43 – Roma

P.Iva/C.F. 14617411005
R.E.A. RM-1533723

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